• Born in 1972 and raised in Lander Wyoming. Billings resident since 1997.
  • Two sons: Tate (21) and Jace (18)
  • Owner of Thompson Cattle Company (Billings, MT) since 1997. TCC is a regional cattle feeding, trucking, marketing and dealer firm.
  • Part owner of Northern Livestock Video Auction (Billings, MT)
  • Owner of Huntley Feeders (Huntley, MT) and North Montana Feeders (Choteau, MT)
  • Part owner in Big Horn Basin Livestock Auction (Worland, WY)
  • Cattle Sale Manager for The Combined Competitive Markets of Billings
  • NILE board member
  • 2009 World Livestock Auctioneer Champion
  • Posted on: May 18, 2022